Relocation News Paris France


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22 of February 2024

Update on French immigration Law: reform and impact

Legislative changes were enacted on January 27th 2024, following decisions by the French Constitutional Council. These measures, subject to implementing decrees, introduce significant changes to the landscape of immigration in France.

Migratory quotas have been overturned, marking a new approach to immigration management. The list of occupations in high demand will be updated at least once a year, reflecting the needs of the labor market. Passport-Talent cards are now referred to as "Talent" cards, with a new structure to better correspond to different categories of talents. A new category of card, "Talent - Project Developer," has been introduced, encompassing various categories of economic projects. For the renewal of certain long-term permits, habitual residence in France will now be required. There will be a limit of 3 consecutive renewals for temporary residence permits with the same observation. An experiment with a 360-degree instruction by Prefectures is underway to simplify procedures. A minimum knowledge of the French language (level A2) will be required for obtaining a first multi-year residence permit, except for the Talent passport. Employees who sign the republican integration contract will be entitled to linguistic training during working hours. Additionally, we note the introduction of a contract committing to respect the principles of the Republic for any foreigner applying for a residence document. Sanctions will be strengthened in cases of employment of workers in irregular situations. New grounds for refusal of issuance or renewal are added, notably in cases of document fraud. Access to the status of individual entrepreneur will be limited.

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