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10 of August 2023

ReloQI©: guaranteed independence in the relocation industry

With cost pressures rising, relocation companies are increasingly called upon to offer their customers low rates. To reduce these costs, some companies call on partners (removal companies, banks, hotel residences...) and some demand commissions in exchange for business.

What impact does this have on the independence of these relocation companies? How far is it acceptable to go to cut costs without compromising independence?
MMC's approach is very clear: to work with partners on a commission-free basis in order to preserve everyone's independence and professionalism, and avoid potential problems.

To promote this philosophy, the ReloQI© initiative was created by Easy Lyon and Management Mobility Consulting: Companies who sign up to this initiative undertake not to receive commissions, which guarantees independence from service providers. This is ReloQI© Quality Independence. As a founding member, MMC sits on the ReloQI© board.

The benefits of this approach include guaranteed independence for customers. Partners can offer discounts to companies using ReloQI© services, which operate on a donation model and aim to guarantee transparency and independence in the relocation sector.

Feel free to contact us below for more information. 

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