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29 of June 2023

Mobili-Pass: what are the prospects after its announced end?

Mobili-Pass, a program supporting professional mobility managed by Action Logement Services (ALS), is soon bidding farewell. Scheduled to end on June 30, 2023, at midnight, this initiative has undeniably been successful in making the lives of many relocating employees easier. However, despite the allocation of a new five-year budget, ALS has not yet made an official statement regarding a potential definitive termination or a possible reconfiguration of Mobili-Pass in line with the upcoming five-year policy.

Despite the allocation of a new five-year budget, Mobili-Pass beneficiaries are eagerly awaiting an official communication from Action Logement Services regarding the fate of this program. Will Mobili-Pass come to a definitive end? Will it be replaced by another program that aligns with the new directions of the five-year policy? These are all questions that require clear and precise answers from ALS.

In the absence of an official declaration, it is essential to prepare for various possible scenarios. If Mobili-Pass were to be discontinued, it is likely that Action Logement Services would propose other alternatives to support employees in mobility. It is possible that a new program will be introduced.

Whatever direction ALS chooses, it is crucial for the organization to ensure transparent and regular communication with potential beneficiaries. Despite the allocation of a new five-year budget, the lack of official communication raises questions about what lies ahead.

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